Service Times & Location


Every Sunday

8:00am | 9:30am | 11:00am | 12:30pm



Our kids experience is designed to engage your kids in praise and worship, make friends their grade level, help them understand the bible, memorize God’s word, and have FUN!




Leading the next generation to reach their full potential in Jesus Christ.

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What To Expect

Each weekend at Zeal, you’ll find a high-energy and friendly atmosphere. Through the use of preaching, worship, and creativity, we aim to present the timeless message of Jesus Christ in a clear and fresh way.

Weekend FAQ

At Zeal Church, there is no dress code. We believe God cares more about the condition of your heart than your outward appearance. Feel free to dress up, or come in jeans and a favorite t-shirt, whatever makes you comfortable.

Our parking team is ready to direct your right when you step on campus. And if have kids, we have designated parking just for your family.

Our services are 65 minutes total.

If you are visiting for the first time, we will not embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money. We know that many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” and that’s fine with us! So come in, grab a free cup of coffee, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and see if this is the church for you.

The first step in getting connected to Zeal is by going through Zeal Connect. Zeal Connect is two 30 minute sessions that happen after every service. If you are new to Zeal, make sure you stop by our Connect tent located on the plaza for your free gift!

Yes! Each service we offer creative, exciting programs for children from birth to 5th grade. Our loving team members teach biblical values that will help your kids build a strong foundation of faith to grow on.