Lead Pastor
Pastor JD Ost was called to be a pastor after graduating High School in Union City, TN. He moved to Tyler, Texas, pursued ministerial training, and came back home to study communications and serve the local church. While serving his local church, Pastor JD met his beautiful wife, Leah. After more than a decade in full-time ministry, he and Leah felt a clear call from God to move to Nashville and plant a life-giving church.
In 2013, with a few close friends around a plate of amazing chocolate chip cookies, the vision for what would be Zeal Church was born.
Lead Pastor
Pastor JD Ost was called to be a Pastor after graduating High School in Union City, TN. He moved to Tyler, Texas, pursued ministerial training, and came back home to study communications and serve the local church. While serving his local church, Pastor JD met his beautiful wife, Leah. After more than a decade in full-time ministry, he and Leah felt a clear call from God to move to Nashville and plant a life-giving church.
In 2013 with a few close friends, around a plate of amazing chocolate chip cookies, the vision for what would be Zeal Church was born.
Pastor JD is a gifted teacher and communicator. He has a passion for making God’s word relatable and practical. He has a heart for reaching people and helping them know God, no matter where they are on their journey. He and Leah live in Nashville with their two sons Bekton and Baylor.

Executive Team