Our aim is to make the invisible God
visible in our city.
Through Zeal Outreach, we are able to provide multiple opportunities throughout the month for you to use your gifts and passions to make a difference. We believe that being generous with our time and talents is a privilege and we are grateful to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Areas of Focus
Outreach FAQ
Zeal Outreach has been fantastic! Serving the kids in the Skyview and Rolling Hills communities has shown me just how powerful love and consistency are. Our outreach events in these disenfranchised communities are providing hope in places where there isn’t much to spare.
Serving on outreach has truly changed my life. God has shown me how important it is to not only love Him but also love his people. I feel so fulfilled when I serve with the outreach team, because I know I’m putting my faith into action. When I’m being a blessing to others, I look back and see that they were also being a blessing to me.