Global Missions Sunday // Mid-Year Offering

At Zeal Church, we genuinely believe that generosity is our privilege! Every year, we emphasize midyear giving in a special way. This is a unique opportunity to sow a radical, faith-filled offering in appreciation for what God has done and with great expectation for what God will do in 2023. The future we experience is a direct result of the seed we sow today, so we approach this moment with faith to give God our YES!

As you pray for what God would have you do as a part of your midyear giving, please use the form below to share with our team – how we can pray for and rejoice with you as we head into this coming year. We want to join our faith with yours as we wholeheartedly believe that God will continue to do the miraculous in 2023. The best is yet to come!

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Convoy of Hope
Camino De Vida